Experiência em parceria estratégica: mestrado profissional em Engenharia Aeronáutica, ITA- profissional em Engenharia Aeronáutica, ITAEmbraer Embraer
In light of the challenges particularly faced by the Brazilian aeronautical and defense industries in our county today, the consolidation of strategic partnerships that guarantee a solid technical and technological framework for the human resources involved constitutes a key factor for entrepreneurial success. The Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) took the first step in this regard by initiating a Professional Masters in Aeronautical Engineering Program in conjunction with the Brazilian Aircraft Corporation (Embraer). This article addresses the main points of the program involving the partnership ITA-Embraer with respect to making it happen. It is believed that experiences such as the one presented here can serve as a model for future strategies envisioning the assurance of lasting competitive differentials for both the aeronautical and the defense industries in Brazil.
How to Cite
engenharia aeronáutica. projeto aeronáutico. mestrado profissional. parceria universidade-empresa. ITA. Embraer. aeronautical engineering, aeronautical project, professional master program, university-industry partnership, ITA, Embraer.