Guidelines for Authors

The Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies receives submissions from researchers and teachers with doctoral and doctoral degrees in the fields of Education (notably higher education and teacher training for basic education); Science and Technology; International Cooperation and Innovation. Master's degree and Master's students can submit their contributions as long as they are co-authored with a doctor.

Submission requirements:

  1. Papers submitted for publication in RBPG should be original and unpublished, not being allowed its simultaneous submission in another journal;
  2. Papers that fit into the following categories will be considered for publication: Articles, Debates, Thematic dossier, Reports of innovative experiences and reviews;
  3. The texts resulting from research involving human beings (interviews, experiments, etc.) should indicate the respect for the ethical procedures established for scientific research. When permission is granted for the identification of the subject or the use of images, this must be informed in a note. Anonymity must be guaranteed to the research participants and, if necessary, to the institutions that request it;
  4. The paper must have 15 to 35 pages, including abstracts and references;
  5. The abstract and resume must contain a maximum of 300 words (presenting, necessarily, objective, theoretical basis and/or methodological procedures and results);
  6. All papers submitted for peer review must follow the submission template that presents all the instructions regarding the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) as well as the formatting of the document. The submitted papers that do not follow the submission template will be rejected;
  7. The papers must include an introduction, methodology, results analysis, and conclusions/final considerations;
  8. The author(s) name(s) are requested to be written in full. The academic affiliation, Orcid, and e-mail address must come below the title according to the submission template;
  9. The References (according to the norms of ABNT-NBR-6023/2018) must contain only the works cited in the text;
  10. The footnotes must be used for explanatory information, not exceeding 200 words each;
  11. The evaluation is "double blind", that is, the reviewer is not aware of the authorship of the manuscript nor is the author aware of the reviewers;
  12. The authors must respect the Basic Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Activity of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.