A new approach to the teaching internship for Biological Sciences
The Basic Course in Field Techniques was designed to promote the association between an undergraduate discipline and teaching experience for Master’s students in the Graduate Program in Ecology of Tropical Biomes. The objective was to enable undergraduate students from the Biology course to participate in field activities, and to improve their training in field techniques for ecological projects. The master’s students had the opportunity to practice teaching and coordinate a discipline under the supervision of an experienced professor. The model was effective and resulted in a positive experience in training capacity for both undergraduate and graduate students, and clearly contributed to the education of future ecologists.
How to Cite
Ecology Field Techniques. University Teacher Training. Integration of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Graduate Program in Ecology of Tropical Biomes. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Técnicas de Ecologia de Campo. Estágios de Docência para a Pós-Graduação. Integração Pós-Graduação e Graduação em Biologia. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Técnicas de Ecología de Campo. Pasantías de Docencia para el Posgrado. Integración Posgrado y Graduación en Biología. Plan de Posgrado en Ecología de Biomas Tropicales. Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto.