Information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning process practicing research in sciences in school context



This article presents some aspects about the Information Society, the Knowledge Society and the processes of Learning, in a broad way in its paradigms. It presents a brief reflection about the teaching and learning processes, performing the function of educator and mediator, providing students with access and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the school environment. School research is one of the main activities of the teaching and learning process during the schooling experience, from the early years of kindergarten to the final years of high school. This school setting occupies different spaces, such as the classroom, the library, the science and computer labs. The article presents the main characters that act in this scenario, formed by teachers, students and librarians. It highlights the four pillars suggested by UNESCO to be implemented by the school: learning to know; learn to do; learn to live together and learn to be.


  • Eliane Lourdes da Silva Moro
  • Lizandra Brasil Estabel


How to Cite

MORO, E. L. da S. .; ESTABEL, L. B. . Information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning process: practicing research in sciences in school context. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 34, p. 1–21, 2019. DOI: 10.21713/2358-2332.2019.v15.1607. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.