In the present study are presented the results obtained from ‘Workshop of Didactic Support’ course, offered since 2016 in a stricto sensu graduate program in the area of Health Sciences. The course aims to: (1) encourage students to discuss and build teaching, learning principles, criteria and strategies; (2) reflect on the humanist education of the university student; (3) plan, build and apply teaching resources in teaching situations. Our research objective was to investigate the formative processes of teaching in higher education, analyzing three moments of the discipline: (1) construction of school memories and reflections on ‘the unforgettable teacher’, (2) humanist teacher training in favor of human development: contemporary debates and (3) ‘hands-on’: collaborative construction and application of innovative tools in undergraduate courses. We considered as data of the research: class narratives of the teachers, production of students' school memories, oral records stored from the students during the debates and discussions in classes, an unforgettable letter to the teacher, video recording of the socialization of classes and presentations. The results indicate that it was possible to construct ways to think about the formation of the future teacher of higher education in the perspective of producing shared knowledge about teaching. Trainers and future teachers learned throughout the process, especially how it is possible to rethink innovative teaching practices in undergraduate courses in a problematic environment, even in subjects with high failure rates.
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How to Cite
Jul 29, 2021Teacher training. Teaching strategies. Graduate. Formación docente. Estrategias de enseñanza. Posgraduación. Formação de professores. Estratégias de ensino. Pós-graduação