TWENTY YEARS OF CAPES JOURNALS PORTAL an analysis of its evolution, use and financing
The objective of this research is to present a technical analysis that allows the elaboration of a panoramic view of the results of the work carried out by CAPES in the management of its Journals Portal throughout its twenty years of existence, especially regarding the evolution of this digital library in relation to the contents, the institutions, the areas of knowledge contemplated, as well as the financial aspects that supported the Portal's activities between 2000 and 2020. For the period under review, the Portal served between 72 and 436 different academic and scientific institutions. Between 2001 and 2019, there was a total of 1,566,562,037 accesses to the contents available in all major areas, especially that of Health Sciences, which, on average, makes up approximately 20% of the content made available. Despite the fluctuations in the US dollar, which is the currency of payment for 388 contracts executed, the average cost of access to full texts and databases tended to decrease significantly when compared to 2001 and 2018. The high number of accesses combined with the expansion of the amount of material available, participating institutions, budget and users reaffirm the importance that this digital library has for the national scientific research scenario. Finally, the data presented are in line with Almeida, Guimarães and Alves (2010) conclusion that CAPES Journals Portal assumes a preponderant role as a State Policy that promotes access to scientific information in Brazil.
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How to Cite
Nov 2, 2020CAPES Journals Portal, Public policy, Digital library Portal de Revistas de CAPES, Políticas públicas, Biblioteca digital Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, Políticas Públicas, Biblioteca digital