Science, Technology and Gender: the insertion of women in the scientific-technological field a inserção da mulher no campo científico-tecnológico



Science, Technology and Society (STS) studies are based on the idea that knowledge is a social construction and that there is an intimate relationship between science, technology and society. STS studies are opposed to the neutral science model, always producing for the humanity well-being. The history of civilization shows that societies have always been organized according to the model of male domination and since science and research are strongly influenced by social factors, it is to be expected that this androcentric mode will be reflected in the work of science and technology. Over time, the participation of women in scientific careers has always been reduced. The Science, Technology and Gender (STG) studies, within the STS studies, seek to assess how female participation in science has been, which factors contribute to or block the evolution of women in the scientific career and what are the possible actions to be taken to combat gender inequality in the scientific field. This article makes a bibliographic review on the subject with the objective of bringing some suggestions for the valorization of women within the scientific field, including curricular changes that encourage girls to the scientific career.


  • Regina Lourenço de Barros a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:35:"Universidade Federal de São Carlos";}

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How to Cite

DE BARROS, R. L. . Science, Technology and Gender: the insertion of women in the scientific-technological field: a inserção da mulher no campo científico-tecnológico. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 18, n. especial, p. 1–21, 2023. DOI: 10.21713/rbpg.v18iespecial.1891. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Science, Technology and Society (STS). Science, Technology and Gender (STG). women scientists. Feminism in science. Female conflicts in science. Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS). Ciencia, Tecnología y Género (CTG). Mujeres científicas. Feminismo en la ciencia. Conflictos femeninos en la ciencia. Ciência, tecnologia e sociedade, Ciência, tecnologia e gênero, Mulheres cientistas, Feminismo na ciência, Conflitos femininos na ciência