The objective of the study is to describe and propose an intervention for the initial teacher education, through didactic planning (PD) with the application of the active methodology Peer Review. This article is an experience report on an extension course developed with 29 undergraduate students in Natural Sciences and related areas. The course proposal consists of the elaboration of a PD with experimental activities and interdisciplinary and contextualized exercises, considering the conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal contents. Several interactive activities were developed using technological tools and resources, as well as teaching and learning strategies. It is concluded that there is a lack of courses and disciplines that prepare the teacher in initial training to work with PD, active methodologies, and educational digital technologies.
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How to Cite
Dec 12, 2024Natural Sciences. Active methodologies. Didactic Planning Ciencias Naturales. Metodologías activas. Planificación Didáctica Ciências da natureza, Metodologias ativas, Planejamento didático