Scientific literacy and scientific initiation: the assimilation of concepts into scientific behavior
This paper deals with the promotion of literacy and scientific initiation among students from the basic education network, as the responsibility of postgraduate students of stricto sensu programs, since 2012, in the House of Science (Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto), an integral project of the National Science Institute and Technology (INCT) in Stem Cells and Cancer Cell Therapy in Cancer. In ten meetings, after the presentation of scientific content to the students, and a dialogical clarification of any doubts, it is verified, through qualitative research, the ability of these students to identify and to analyze the presented themes. In specific cases, the project emphasizes teaching and learning peculiarities evidenced during its validity, namely: anticipating the practice of teaching with science and technology with future professionals of higher education and improving the cognitive abilities reflected in the student’s academic performance, respectively.
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How to Cite
Alfabetización Científica. Iniciación Científica. Asimilación de conceptos. Comportamiento Científico. Adolescentes. Casa de la Ciencia. Alfabetização Científica. Iniciação Científica. Assimilação de Conceitos. Comportamento Científico. Adolescentes. Casa da Ciência. Scientific Literacy. Scientific research. Assimilation of Concepts. Scientific Behavior. Adolescents. House of Science.