

The present article aims to indicate the possibility of the qualitative research to be used as a pedagogical methodology to reveal the social reality of a determined group of individuals, even with children of the first years of Elementary School. The research, which is part of a doctorate study, was conducted in 2018 with students of the first years of Elementary School at Colégio Pedro II, a public federal school in Rio de Janeiro. In the classroom, the use of the qualitative research emerged from conversations on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The demand for this research arose from the necessity of listening to the voices who want to dialogue, express their longings, joys, fears and situations in which the children perceived their rights as being disrespected. The methodology used revealed itself to be effective regarding the world reading of the students, thus allowing a more profound knowledge of their realities.


  • Maria da Conceição Vicente de Almeida
  • Marília Duarte Lopes Talina
  • Camille Jantalia
  • Paulo Pires de Queiroz

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How to Cite

DA CONCEIÇÃO VICENTE DE ALMEIDA, M.; DUARTE LOPES TALINA, M.; JANTALIA, C.; PIRES DE QUEIROZ, P. A UTILIZAÇÃO DA PESQUISA QUALITATIVA COMO METODOLOGIA PEDAGÓGICA NOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL . Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 35, p. 1–17, 2020. DOI: 10.21713/rbpg.v16i35.1651. Disponível em: https://rbpg.capes.gov.br/rbpg/article/view/1651. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.




Jun 24, 2020