

Unusual practice in universities, knowing your scientific production can be useful for establishing institutional and national development strategies. Thus, sought to outline the profile of research and scientific production of the faculty of an institution frequently cited nationally and internationally for its academic quality, recognized, in 2017, as the 12th most productive in the whole country, but which presented low indices as to qualitative parameters of this production. A marked concentration of this scientific production in journals well classified on the Qualis basis, however as having a low impact factor was highlighted. This production due to a very small number of professors, in a universe in which a significant amount that was never mentioned by their peers or even managed to disseminate some scientific product in a vehicle indexed on international bases. Different variables of this scientific production and internal systems are showed for evaluation and functional progression in this institution. Also is highlighted how an inappropriate use of a tool to evaluate graduate programs negatively interfered in the quality of all scientific production and management of this institution, as well as in the formation of future masters and doctors. Concluding by the adequacy of evaluations of this nature in institutions of higher education in Brazil, are listed for reflection measures that could be implemented in order to increase the scientific quality of this scientific production, as well as to rationalize the use of public resources for these institutions destined, based on an intrinsic and continuous scientific knowledge management process.


  • Cláudio Mafra

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How to Cite

MAFRA, C. FACULTY SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PROFILE IN A FEDERAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION IN BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 36, p. 1–43, 2020. DOI: 10.21713/rbpg.v16i36.1689. Disponível em: https://rbpg.capes.gov.br/rbpg/article/view/1689. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


Analysis of the scientific productivity. Knowledge management. Academic productivity parameters. Research productivity. Scientometrics. Análisis de la investigación científica. Administración del conocimiento. Parámetros de la investigación académica. Productividad de la investigación. Scientometry. Análise da produtividade científica. Gestão do conhecimento. Parâmetros da produtividade acadêmica. Produtividade da pesquisa. Cientometria.