The creativity is an essential skill in the contemporary world, creative people are curious and like to explore ideas, so they tend to be innovative in problem solving. From this perspective, the present study aims to present an educational methodology using the premises of creative learning and use of Serious Games with a focus on developing the skills of computational thinking such as logical reasoning, abstraction, systematization and decomposition, among others with K-12 students´ enhancing the ability to solve problems, make systematic decisions and encourage them to carry out collaborative work. The Brazilian curricular structure in K-12 does not include, yet, activities of introduction to Computing and understanding this importance, the project carried out a set of actions during three years in a private school in the Federal District. The activities focused on the teaching of logical reasoning, logical sequences, programming logic and reinforcement of mathematics discipline. The results showed that the activities of introduction to Computing brought quality, creativity and innovation to the classroom, collaborating to improve school performance.
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How to Cite
Jul 29, 2021Computational Thinking, Serious Games, Creative Learning Pensamiento computacional, Juegos digitales educativos, Aprendizaje creativo Pensamento Computacional, Jogos Digitais Educacionais, Aprendizagem Criativa