The article aims to reflect the use of the chemistry laboratory in the era of digital culture, considering it as an active methodology in the learning process. The laboratory portrays the phases of human development according to Piaget and Vygotsky, for the high school students, considering the age and the need for minimal knowledge about reagents and equipment present in this physical space. The exploratory methodology of bibliographic nature that is used will enable the sequence of this study, using the guidelines of the High School from the year 1990, and the relationship between the chemistry laboratory and active methodologies, a topic which is popular in education. The results show that the mobilization of concepts and the collective discussions provided in carrying out an experiment, enable students to do study actively the subjects, in addition to associating chemistry with ethical and social responsibility issues. Finally, the chemistry laboratory must be taken into account as an active learning methodology for the formation of ethical citizens committed to the planet.
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How to Cite
Jul 29, 2021Chemistry la. Active methodology. Learning. Laboratorio de Química. Metodología activa. Aprendizaje. Laboratório de química. Metodologia ativa. Aprendizagem.