Representação das produções intelectuais bibliográficas do PROFEPT um estudo baseado na rede semântica das dissertações defendidas nos anos 2017-2019
This article seeks, through the analysis of semantic networks, to discuss how the representation networks of the Postgraduate Program in Professional and Technological Education (PROFEPT) dissertations presented in the period 2017-2019 are constituted. The semantic network of titles is one of the theoretical paths for the study of cognitive processes and, therefore, an opportunity to learn about the main themes discussed in bibliographical intellectual productions on Professional and Technological Education (EPT). The research has a quali-quantitative approach, and adopts documentary research and social network analysis as methodologies. Among the results, it was possible to verify: coherence between the terms with the highest incidence in the networks with the relevant themes in the context of the EPT; a greater diversity of prevailing terms, as the number of dissertations defended increased; besides the network topologies suggest that there is a conceptual convergence in the elaboration of the titles and that the words are coherent with the bases of the PROFEPT proposal. Finally, it is expected to have contributed to the understanding of the program's thematic diversity and to the process of construction and dissemination of knowledge about PROFEPT.
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How to Cite
Aug 24, 20231. Professional and Technological Education. 2. Graduate program. 3. Semantic Networks. 4. Social Network Analysis. 1. Educación Profesional y Tecnológica. 2. Programa de posgrado. 3. Redes semánticas. 4. Análisis de redes sociales. Educação profissional e tecnológica, Programa de pós-graduação, Redes semânticas, Análise de redes sociais