Brazil, where there is gender parity in the general population, has seen in recent years the predominance of women as undergraduates, as well as the growth of the female presence in the scientific field. However, female representation decreases successively step by step advancing academically, passing through the master's, doctoral and finally post-doctoral studies. The study aims to analyze gender distribution in the Post-Doctoral Program Abroad (PPDE) in the stages of enrollment, granting and implementation, verifying if there is less demand for scholarships from the program by women or if there is less selection. It is characterized as a quantitative exploratory analysis of data on the enrollment, granting and implementation of PPDE grants, focusing on gender distribution. Among the main results, there is a lower application for scholarships by women, in addition to an even smaller selection proportionally compared to men.
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Dossiê TemáticoPublished:
Oct 31, 2023Post-doctoral abroad, International postdoctoral, International postdoc, Gender gap, Women in Science Postdoctorado en el extranjero, Diferencia de género, Mujeres en la ciência Pós-doutorado no exterior, Diferença de gênero, Mulheres na ciência