Information Literacy and the use of the CAPES Portal: challenges for the Brazilian graduate programs in public health



The CAPES Journal Portal celebrated its 10th anniversary as the most valuable Brazilian source of scientific information of our time. Present in 268 educational institutions around the country, the extent of its influence may be jeopardized by the low Information Literacy (IL) of its users. This paper aims to describe and analyze the IL of the students entering the graduate programs of the National Public Health School (FIOCRUZ) with respect to the way they use the CAPES Journal Portal. A sample of 88 graduate students (Master’s and PhD) answered a questionnaire which investigated the abilities needed to manipulate a bibliographic public health database. The results show that differences in background, type of training received and command of the English language are key factors to be considered when developing pedagogic action plans that aim to improve the use of this tool.


  • Beatriz Rodrigues Lopes Vincent
  • Mauricio Roberto Motta Pinto da Luz
  • Martha Silveira
  • Luiz Antonio Bastos Camacho
Beatriz Rodrigues Lopes Vincent


How to Cite

VINCENT, B. R. L.; PINTO DA LUZ, M. R. M.; SILVEIRA, M.; CAMACHO, L. A. B. Information Literacy and the use of the CAPES Portal: challenges for the Brazilian graduate programs in public health. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, 2012. DOI: 10.21713/2358-2332.2012.v9.313. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.




Jul 31, 2012

CAPES Portal. Graduate Programs. Information Literacy. Public Health. Portal Periódicos Capes. Pós-Graduação. Competência Informacional. Saúde Pública. Portal Periódicos Capes. Posgrado. Competencia Informacional. Salud Pública.