

The present investigation aimed to analyze the postulates of Genetic Epistemology. For that, it had as its starting point the Epistemological and Pedagogical Models that influence educators' conceptions of learning and, consequently, their practices at school. Furthermore, this work aims to discuss the postulates of the basis of the theory in question, such as: concept of subject and object, characteristics of the stages, the four factors that influence development, the difference between development and learning, the balances etc.; reflecting on the role of the school in the construction of knowledge by the epistemic subject and demystifying some misunderstandings regarding these concepts, which were expensive for education. The nature of this investigation is qualitative. A bibliographic review was carried out, whose theoretical contribution was the works of Jean Piaget. As a result, it was highlighted that the most effective Epistemological conception for the construction of knowledge is Constructive, represented by a Relational Pedagogical Model. According to Becker (2012) the Pedagogical Models (Directive and Non-Directive Pedagogy) and epistemological (Empiricism and Apriorism) are proven to be common sense, that is, scientifically disapproved, outdated. It is concluded that although the empiricist and apriorist conceptions are considered outdated, both still support the practice of most teachers.


  • Claucida Lima a:1:{s:5:"pt_BR";s:41:"Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul";}
  • Márcia Finimundi Nóbile

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How to Cite

LIMA, C.; FINIMUNDI NÓBILE, M. THE CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE ACCORDING TO GENETIC EPISTEMOLOGY: reflections on theory and practice in school. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 36, p. 1–17, 2020. DOI: 10.21713/rbpg.v16i36.1663. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.

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