Education and actions of neophyte supervisors in science education: a dispositional sociological investigation



Considering the importance of the supervisor as the main reference in the education of new researchers
and leading of investigations, this paper aims to understand the education and acting of the supervisors
through their dispositions. There is a lack of theoretical interpretations that allow us to understand these
processes. We believe that the dispositions, concepts proposed by Bernard Lahire, can contribute to this
sense. We analyse the dispositions of three neophyte supervisors around Science Education, identify
and discuss those that relate most directly to their work as supervisors revealing relationships between
their personal and academic trajectories and their role as supervisor through dispositional analysis. We dialogue with the scarce literature on the theme pointing to the originality that the disposition promotes by understanding the education for orientation as the result of a trajectory that began much earlier than entering university.


  • Luciana Massi

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How to Cite

MASSI, L. Education and actions of neophyte supervisors in science education:: a dispositional sociological investigation. Brazilian Journal of Graduate Studies, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 39, p. 1–21, 2022. DOI: 10.21713/rbpg.v18i39.1828. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


research supervisor, research pedagogy and actions, dispositional sociology director de investigación, capacitación y desempeño del asesor, sociología disposicional orientador de pesquisas, sociologia disposicional, formação e atuação do orientador