Vol. 17 No. 38 (2021): v. 17 n. 38 (2021)

With the release of volume 17, nº 38, related to the second half of 2021,
RBPG salutes CAPES for the passage of 70 years. released on
the moment in which the Brazilian Postgraduate Journal prepares to
improve its activities, to offer greater flexibility in the
communication with the academic-scientific community and to grant more
space for accessing the search. Comprising nine articles, this issue
presents a variety of subjects addressed, such as profile and formation
of professors, impacts of the pandemic on postgraduate courses, cooperation
with African countries, in addition to the evaluation and social impact of
graduate programs. These are current and relevant themes, which are part of
in policies to promote the National Postgraduate System, which includes
training and research in science and technology.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21713/rbpg.v17i38

Published: 2022-06-10

The interdisciplinary team in the hospital environment

Nathália Soares dos Santos Lopes, Débora Silva, Valéria Lagrange, Margarete Tavares


Prática docente em arquitetura e urbanismo

estudo da aplicação de métodos de ensino-aprendizagem

Rafael Kalinoski, Chaelin Dall’Agnol Fiorentin, Fabiana Moro Martins, Márcia de Andrade Pereira Bernardinis
